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5 Reasons I Love Hosting Students – Swinburne

Host an international student for Swinburne University of Technology


Swinburne University of Technology is welcoming new under 18 students and we are looking for local families to host.

If you have a spare room and enjoy cultural exchange this is a great opportunity.

Dates: Arriving February

Remuneration: $350 per student per week + $40 for special diet (Halal) *based on under 18 complete product 

Claire Shares 5 Reasons Why She Love Hosting Students. We Bet You Will Too.

I moved to Australia a few years ago from the UK and was totally blown away by the kindness of everyone I met.

People were so keen to help me discover all the wonderful places to go and all the amazing experiences to be had in this great country. Knowing what it is to be new, to be foreign and to be far from home fuels my passion to welcome and host students in this great place I now call home.

Here are my 5 reasons I love hosting students, I hope they encourage you to consider joining in!

  1. The world is a wonderful place. Every new human I meet shows me something more spectacular about life/ the world/ humanity. Every student I’ve hosted has opened my eyes to something new about culture or humanity or a different perspective. This is a similar experience to travel- it’s broadening my mind and I don’t even have to leave the house!!

  2. Students flourish when they have supportive hosts. They take a risk leaving their comfort zone back at home and venturing out into the world and it can be a hugely formative experience for them to encounter a different culture and build relationships with strangers and adjust to their new ‘normal’ life. You can make a difference to their life now, but also their future as you encourage them into a life of adventure!

  3. Dumplings. Our first Japanese student made them for us! We were blown away. If you are lucky enough to have a student offer to cook for you, the answer is always YES.

  4. Practising hospitality is character building. There’s considerable research out there that suggests if you want to be happy you need to focus on making other people happy. Yes it sometimes has its challenges but it’s like social exercise for our hearts and minds. We need it and it’s good for us. Hospitality creates healthier lives and ultimately I believe a healthier global community.

  5. Students are tomorrow’s cultural pioneers, whether in business, education, healthcare or any of the new industries emerging in the future, and anything we can do to strengthen and encourage them is an investment in our tomorrow as well.


I’ve loved getting to know each student I’ve hosted, as have my husband and kids. It’s an adventure we’re glad to go on, and we’re learning so much!

Give it a try! It’s so worth it.

And I totally forgot to mention you get paid! Ha!!

Claire – AHN Host Melbourne

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