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Student Meal Expectations

Hosts should provide healthy and adequate food, in accordance with the agreed meal plan. The placement report you receive will detail the students’ selected meal plan.

Take students with you, or talk to them before you go shopping, to find out what foods they do or do not like. This will make meal planning easier.

Please ensure you keep adequate grocery items in the cupboard for meals such as breakfast and/or lunch, that students are required to prepare by themselves. Take some time to show the students what to do when preparing their meals. Remember some students will not be accustomed to making their own food. Most students will not be familiar with typical Australian breakfast food.

Hosts should prepare dinner for the student. A list of foods deemed adequate for each meal can be found below:

Breakfast: Cereal and milk, toast and spreads, fruit, juice, tea and coffee are a great start.  Some Asian students may also request noodles or rice for breakfast.

Hosts can have a hot breakfast such as eggs / bacon etc available for students if they wish. It is not a requirement however.

Lunch: Students will require a meal equivalent to a lunch size portion. This can be leftovers from the previous nights dinner and a piece of fruit. Sandwiches are also an option with fillings of meat, lettuce, cheese, tomato, salad etc.  Please be aware though, most Asian students may not eat sandwiches as they are not used to them.

Dinner: A well balanced, dinner sized meal should be prepared for students. Meals need to include meat or other protein, some vegetables and pasta, rice or noodles. Dessert should be offered if others in the home are having dessert at the table.

Fruit Bowl: Offer students a basic fruit bowl, such as oranges/apple/bananas and hosts should allow for up to two pieces of fruit per day.

Not included in homestay fees: ConfectioneryMuesli bars, soft drinks and other snack foods are not included in homestay fees therefore students will need to purchase these at their expense. 

For delicious, budget friendly meal ideas click here.